The Young Hoosier Book Award Program encourages self-selected reading among elementary and middle school/junior high school students.
Young Hoosier Book Award Participation & Voting
Voting Eligibility
Students in Indiana are eligible to read and vote on Young Hoosier Books if they have access to at least *12 of the nominated titles.
*The 12 book requirement only applies to the picture books*
Students may only vote in one eligible program, either their school or public library.
Eligibility Notes for Consideration For situations of differentiation, adults may allow students to read from a different list. Please be aware that reading from a list above the intended level may have content that is not recommended for younger students. Students may either read or listen to nominated titles to count toward voting requirements.
Congratulations to the 2023 - 2024 YHBA Winners!
Picture Book Winners
2023-2024 Intermediate Winners
2023-2024 Middle Grade Winners
